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Kegel8 Ultra 20
Toners femininos
Acessórios Femininos
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Rated Excellent
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Worldwide Delivery
US, Europe & Australia
Rated Excellent
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Como funciona

Semana 1
Com suas sessões, seu toner ajudará você a encontrar seus músculos do assoalho pélvico.
Semana 4
Você começará a sentir uma diferença real. Mais controle, menos vazamentos, mais confiança.
Semana 12
Seu assoalho pélvico está forte e você está vivendo sem vazamentos e urgências repentinas!


Pode levar apenas 12 semanas para melhorar o seu pavimento pélvico, imagine o que você poderia estar fazendo se começar hoje...
  • Aproveitando os primeiros dias da maternidade sem vazamentos?
  • Recuperando a intimidade com o seu parceiro?
  • Ou simplesmente desfrutando da vida diária sem preocupações?

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Sondas para homens
Kegel8 V para homens
Acessórios Masculinos
    The Kegel8 Ultra 20 has changed my life... I not only feel better in my pelvic area but it has also done wonders for my libido. I was set to have a hysterectomy and now I'm not having a huge operation, melhor dinheiro que já gastei com minha saúde!
    Thank you for this excellent device....I have been using it for several weeks now and can say there is a significant improvement to continence and pelvic floor muscles.
    Posso recomendá-lo a qualquer pessoa suffering problems similar to mine.
    I was, at 36, considering starting to wear full pull-up pads as the urgency and leaks would over flow pads. I have been using Kegel8 for nearly 2 weeks and it has já mudou minha vida, I have had no leaks, no running to the toilet, even able to pull my jeans down without struggling.
    This product was recomendado para mim pelo meu ginecologista, because I have a 2nd degree uterine prolapse. I have been doing the exercises since I got it, it has been just three weeks but I can see the results already, I highly recommend.
    I had been doing the exercises all wrong and with the help of this I have managed to realmente envolva os músculos adequadamente, I now know what they feel like. Noticeable improvement especially in the bedroom, quite amazing! 
    I used Ultra 20 for around 4 weeks at least 3 times a week and when my partner come back from working away, he asked se eu tivesse feito uma cirurgia de aperto. Agora estou usando há 12 meses ea diferença é tão boa I totally recommend!
    Although not leak free, the improvement in the last 12 weeks is impressive. There has been more improvement in 3 months than in the previous 9 months since my surgery. Eu só queria ter tentado antes.
    Since having my daughter many years ago, I've suffered from leakings and a lack luster sex life. I have been using for almost 2 weeks now and already noticed a massive improvement, I couldn't quite believe quão rápido notei resultados.
    Have used these for 6 weeks now after being prescribed them by a physiotherapist. My pelvic floor muscles are dancing to a whole new tune. Definite improvement with my bladder control and faz uma semana que não uso um absorvente!
    I was devastated to find I had another small bladder prolapse. Took the plunge and bought the Ultra 20, within days of using I can feel the difference. No longer do I have vaginal noise and a feeling of fullness and dragging. Better still I não precisa mais usar absorventes "just in case".
    Suffer from both ED and Benign Prostatic Enlargement. I have to say that I have noticed an melhoria no meu ED, sometimes spectacularly so! I have also noticed a significant improvement in the number of times I have to get up in the night to go to the toilet.
    Several months ago I suffered a prolapse after overdoing an exercise class. I purchased a toner from Boots but it only worked for one month so I ordered a Kegel. It was much better and worth the extra money. I would certainly recomendo para qualquer pessoa com meu problema.
    When you do kegels using these cones, you feel "stronger" right after exercising. Eu não senti isso sem o cone. It also provides visual feedback that could be useful for those who are uncertain about the right movement.
    Mãe magra
    Easy to use, gives immediate feedback on muscle strength.  I work my pelvic floor daily but this device has shown there is room for improvement which helps and I will know when I am improving them, não posso recomendar o suficiente.
    It is early days but I am extremely positive I will continue to see results as I feel a slight improvement already. I am 64 and feel a bulge. I have been doing exercises for the past 6 months but gostaria de ter comprado o Kegel8 Ultra 20 antes.