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Kegel8 V per uomini

I problemi del pavimento pelvico non riguardano solo le donne

Come descritto in

Kegel8Ultra 20 V2
Tonici da donna
Accessori femminili
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Worldwide Delivery
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Come funziona

Settimana 1
Con le tue sessioni, il tuo toner ti aiuterà a trovare i muscoli del pavimento pelvico.
Settimana 4
Inizierai a sentire una vera differenza. Maggiore controllo, meno perdite, maggiore fiducia.
Settimana 12
Il tuo pavimento pelvico è forte e stai vivendo la vita senza perdite e improvvisi impulsi!


Può richiedere solo 12 settimane per migliorare il tuo pavimento pelvico, immagina cosa potresti fare se iniziassi oggi...
  • Goderti i primi giorni della maternità senza perdite?
  • Ritrovare l'intimità con il tuo partner?
  • O semplicemente goderti la vita di tutti i giorni senza preoccupazioni?

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Sonde per uomini
Kegel8 V per uomo
Accessori maschili
    The Kegel8 Ultra 20 has changed my life... I not only feel better in my pelvic area but it has also done wonders for my libido. I was set to have a hysterectomy and now I'm not having a huge operation, i migliori soldi che abbia mai speso per la mia salute!
    Thank you for this excellent device....I have been using it for several weeks now and can say there is a significant improvement to continence and pelvic floor muscles.
    Posso raccomandarlo a chiunque suffering problems similar to mine.
    I was, at 36, considering starting to wear full pull-up pads as the urgency and leaks would over flow pads. I have been using Kegel8 for nearly 2 weeks and it has mi ha già cambiato la vita, I have had no leaks, no running to the toilet, even able to pull my jeans down without struggling.
    This product was consigliatomi dal mio ginecologo, because I have a 2nd degree uterine prolapse. I have been doing the exercises since I got it, it has been just three weeks but I can see the results already, I highly recommend.
    I had been doing the exercises all wrong and with the help of this I have managed to coinvolgere effettivamente i muscoli correttamente, I now know what they feel like. Noticeable improvement especially in the bedroom, quite amazing! 
    I used Ultra 20 for around 4 weeks at least 3 times a week and when my partner come back from working away, he asked se avessi fatto un intervento di rassodamento. Ora lo sto usando da 12 mesi e la differenza è semplicemente così buona I totally recommend!
    Although not leak free, the improvement in the last 12 weeks is impressive. There has been more improvement in 3 months than in the previous 9 months since my surgery. Vorrei solo averlo provato prima.
    Since having my daughter many years ago, I've suffered from leakings and a lack luster sex life. I have been using for almost 2 weeks now and already noticed a massive improvement, I couldn't quite believe quanto velocemente ho notato i risultati.
    Have used these for 6 weeks now after being prescribed them by a physiotherapist. My pelvic floor muscles are dancing to a whole new tune. Definite improvement with my bladder control and è da una settimana che non uso l'assorbente!
    I was devastated to find I had another small bladder prolapse. Took the plunge and bought the Ultra 20, within days of using I can feel the difference. No longer do I have vaginal noise and a feeling of fullness and dragging. Better still I non è più necessario utilizzare gli assorbenti "just in case".
    Suffer from both ED and Benign Prostatic Enlargement. I have to say that I have noticed an miglioramento nel mio ED, sometimes spectacularly so! I have also noticed a significant improvement in the number of times I have to get up in the night to go to the toilet.
    Several months ago I suffered a prolapse after overdoing an exercise class. I purchased a toner from Boots but it only worked for one month so I ordered a Kegel. It was much better and worth the extra money. I would certainly lo consiglio a chiunque abbia il mio problema.
    When you do kegels using these cones, you feel "stronger" right after exercising. Non lo sentivo senza il cono. It also provides visual feedback that could be useful for those who are uncertain about the right movement.
    Mamma magra
    Easy to use, gives immediate feedback on muscle strength.  I work my pelvic floor daily but this device has shown there is room for improvement which helps and I will know when I am improving them, non posso raccomandarlo abbastanza.
    It is early days but I am extremely positive I will continue to see results as I feel a slight improvement already. I am 64 and feel a bulge. I have been doing exercises for the past 6 months but Vorrei aver acquistato prima Kegel8 Ultra 20.