With 30% of women doing their pelvic floor exercises incorrectly, Kegel8 E-stim removes all the guesswork by targeting the right muscles with the patented internal probe, and then exercising to add strength, firmness and improve their supporting capabilities. Pelvic Floor Specialist Amanda Savage’s 12 week strengthening programme will re-educate your brain and pelvic floor to work together again to prevent leaks. By exercising different muscle fibres with our clinically proven exercises and following our patented ‘smile’ screen you’ll see and feel when the pelvic floor muscles are contracting and relaxing, giving you back control.
Recommended for
- All urinary Incontinence & bowel incontinence.
- Light bladder weakness, sensitive bladder, overactive bladder, accidental leaks.
- Prolapse and helping to manage pelvic organ prolapse symptoms.
- Strengthening and rebuilding weak pelvic floor muscles, improving nerve sensation & pelvic circulation.
- Tightening & improving intimate sensation for you and your partner.
- New mums.
- Pelvic pain.
- Post Op recovery after pelvic surgery, hysterectomy etc.
Can be used with
Vaginal sensor | Skin Electrodes | Anal sensor
CE | Grade IIa Medical Device | ISO9001-2000 | ISO13485-2003
Device: 2 Years
Probe: 6 Months
Lead Wire: 3 Months